so... you guys read homestuck?

-- cagedAnimal [CA] began pestering nekoWeb [NW] at 05:18 --

CA: this isnt done yet guys sorry i have some kind of problem i dont know what i want to do with this fr lmao

CA: i have the worst stomachache right now i love and hate you jumbo korean spicy boneless chicken

CA: this is a cry for help someone sedate me

-- cagedAnimal [CA] ceased pestering nekoWeb [NW] at 05:18 --

-- cagedAnimal [CA] began pestering nekoWeb [NW] at 23:55 --

CA: i wonder how i could make this more interesting

CA: itd be cool if this was like actual homestuck or like a fanventure and you guys could talk back.

CA: ive always wanted to make something super interactive

-- cagedAnimal [CA] ceased pestering nekoWeb [NW] at 23:57 --